• Writing

    Year of Patience

    This time of year just feels like a free fall, doesn’t it? Like you’ve stepped off the edge of a mountain, and you’re careening down, praying you don’t hit a snow-capped tree. I thought October went by quickly, but November bested its sibling. Of course, getting the required annual flu will make the time zip by. It does that…

  • Writing

    October Goodness

    I just got home from a week in Tennessee! Specifically, Gaitlinburg and Pigeon Forge. It was the type of trip that was a balm to my soul. A perfect combination of wild nature, positive interactions with others, and fun new foods. I’m reminded just how lucky I am to be in the same world as these incredible animals and…

  • Poems & Musings,  Writing

    Maybe, Hopefully, Probably.

    (Substitute any of the above three words as you see fit. You’re part of this now.) “Maybe”, it will be like poetry finds me In scraps floating across my dreams, Or at dawn when the world is quiet And waits for me to turn it tangible. “Maybe” I’ll live in the notes of birdsong, Or the barely audible marching…

  • Writing

    Anxiety: Horror Flash Fiction

    When I have sensations or ideas pop into my head that are a little or a lot uncomfortable, I find it cathartic to write about it; exaggerate them and put them onto fictional characters. I had some mild medical anxiety a few months back. Coupled with stress at work and some interpersonal relationship issues, it was a lot at…

  • Writing

    A Promise

    There’s a chill in the air as I gather the mail from the mailbox. The high will still be in the eighties, but that chill is a hint. A promise. “Autumn is coming.” Summer makes me restless and active. The haze sticks to my skin and inspires too-late nights, dancing as sweat trickles down. But when I feel that…

  • Writing

    Happy Birthday!

    Birthday. Womb Exodus Day. Solar Return. However you phrase it, today I turned 37. It’s been a beautiful day. The calls, the texts, upcoming plans with some of my best friends. My mom indulging my ridiculous puzzle habit, even though I’m grown and don’t expect gifts. So many treats. More than I’ll be able to eat alone. Luckily, I…

  • Poems & Musings,  Writing

    The Diner of Your Life

    If anything is to eat me alive Let it not be anger Or fear Or envy Or doubt. Let it not march across my face like wrinkles will, Leeching me away like time never can. Let love eat me alive instead Let me breathe Create And feel Knowing that’s always been enough. An audience of thousands or an audience…

  • Poems & Musings,  Writing

    Brand or Human?

    I’m a curated conglomerate A popup museum, vaguely human My exhibits don’t have to mean anything, As long as they draw a crowd. I’ll watch any guru on YouTube Because I don’t trust my intuition I operate on superstition For all the wrong things. You ask me to help others, And I’ll gladly oblige, If I can record it…

  • Writing

    The Essence

    Art still has truth. Take refuge there. I was originally going to make a simple post, because I went to the art museum last weekend and it fired me up. So of course, I had to pull out some of my favorite art books! There’s plenty of pinups, anatomical diagrams, animals, and fashion design. I often find myself on…