
It’s Not Personal, It’s Just Business

I’ve been doing some “spring cleaning” in the middle of winter. It’s bitterly cold here; the area got almost a foot of snow a couple weeks back. It’s given me the urge to par down and redo some things. Since I can’t very well run around outside (well, I could, but I’m not in the mood to bundle up), I’ve been cleaning, digitally and literally. The bathroom is downright sparkly. I cancelled some streaming services. The fridge is so neat and tidy I could cry.

I’ve really valued this little website of mine as a place to write out personal things between the book talk and poetry and what-have-you. But as I get older I don’t particularly see the need to talk about certain things online. So some posts have been taken down, and others will be put back up as I reorganize.

I hope everyone is saying safe and warm.